Brand new bike path in Britz becomes a construction site

The bike path in Britz was torn up again shortly after completion

The bike path in Britz was torn up again shortly after completion Photo: Christian Lohse

By Catherine Metag

The cycle path on the Johannisthaler Chaussee has only been finished for two weeks, but had to be torn up again immediately! Due to construction work for an electrical box.

According to a request from the district councilor Franz Wittke (FDP), the construction site between the Baumlauferweg and the Rudower Straße intersection has been a danger for cyclists and pedestrians for several weeks.

“The relocation of Vattenfall’s distribution box was necessary due to the new width of the cycle path,” was the answer from the responsible city councilor and Deputy Mayor Jochen Biedermann (43, Greens). “Unfortunately, there were delays because Vattenfall had problems with the delivery of materials.”

However, they did not want to postpone the stone-laying work for the widening of the cycle path, so the “unsatisfactory intermediate state” came about…

So the cycle path was completed, torn up again and completed again. After all: Vattenfall bears the additional costs of the absurd official farce, not the district.


Construction site Britz Cycle Path Vattenfall
