Bram Moszkowicz is annoyed by RTL 4: ‘This is the cancel culture’

Bram Moszkowicz finds it retroactively even more scandalous that RTL 4 canceled the collaboration with Danny de Munk earlier this year. hold put. “This is just cancel culture.”

© Shownews

Earlier this year, RTL 4 decided to remove Danny de Munk as a jury member of I Can See Your Voice. He had just been reported for rape and the recordings of that program had yet to begin. To avoid an awkward situation at the time of broadcast, Danny was canceled.

‘RTL canceled it!’

Now that the Public Prosecution Service has decided to dismiss the report against Danny, Bram Moszkowicz believes that the RTL 4 leadership – he is referring to Peter van der Vorst – should be ashamed of themselves.

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker in Shownieuws: “They then said that it was in consultation so that he could fully focus on his declaration, but that is of course a bit of a fallacy because I think they just did not want to be associated with it.”

Bram then: “What is actually going on is that RTL Danny de Munk canceled before a judge had even spoken.”

Applause for Talpa

Presenter Dyantha Brooks: “RTL says: ‘Our recordings had not started yet, it was a confused period and he had better focus on that declaration.'”

Bram: “All at your service, but in fact it was – that is my responsibility – that they canceled it. And Talpa, as it should be, has said: ‘Until a judge has said that Danny de Munk is guilty, he is just welcome with us.’”

According to Bram, Talpa does deserve applause. That channel decided to simply broadcast an already recorded program with Danny.

‘Too premature’

Star photographer William Rutten: “There is of course a difference with something that has already been recorded, that has already been broadcast, and something that you still have to do and the uncertainty that is involved.”

Bram: “You have to be careful with that whole cancel culture. Look at Johnny de Mol, look at Danny de Munk. Those people have nothing to record, you can now assume that.”

He concludes: “Of course that boy is devastated. RTL has been too premature and Talpa has not.”

Back on TV?

Will Danny return to TV now? RTL says: “We are still busy with next year’s programming. There is a good chance that the program will return, we just don’t know when yet, because we are still watching the programming. As far as we are concerned, the new season will be made with Danny de Munk.”

And Talpa: “There is currently no question of a new season of the De Hollandse Nieuwe program.”
