Bram Moszkowicz emotional in Shownieuws after criticism of girlfriend

Bram Moszkowicz reacted very emotionally in Shownieuws last night to a critical remark about his girlfriend Nienke Hoogervorst, the lawyer of harness rapper Lil Kleine.

© RTL Boulevard

From a journalistic point of view, Shownieuws operates in a rather questionable manner, because many experts have dual interests and they are almost never appointed. Also yesterday, Bram Moszkowicz was completely empty about the Lil Kleine case, without it being mentioned that his son is the manager of the rapper and his girlfriend the lawyer.

Criticism of Nienke

Weekend boss Bart Ettekoven commented on images in yesterday’s Shownieuws showing Lil Kleine and his lawyer Nienke Hoogervorst walking out of court. A few hours later, it was determined that Lil Kleine must still be in custody for two weeks because of the abuse of his girlfriend Jaimie Vaes.

Bart: “Here you can see that they are coming out again. They refuse to say anything. There was a lot of press present. He kept his mouth shut, his lawyer didn’t say anything either. I had a little chat with our reporter Kirsten this evening. She says: ‘I am amazed. You can at least say: ‘No comment’ or ‘We don’t have anything to say at the moment’?”

bram furious

Bram reacted very emotionally when he was confronted with that criticism of his girlfriend Nienke, who once won his own TV talent show De Nieuwe Moszkowicz. The fallen criminal lawyer was furious: “It was said ‘no comment’. Maybe she has something wrong with her ears then.”

Bart: “She hasn’t heard anything. I don’t see that in those pictures either. I would say: if you have a bit of decency, then stop for a moment and say…”

Bram: “No, if you have a bit of decency, you stop as soon as the lawyer has said: ‘We have no comment today.’ Then you stop!”

‘Explain, Bram’

Tooske Ragas: “Okay, but you have to explain that then, how you know that, because you were not there.”

Bram was of course signaled by his girlfriend Nienke, but did not want to say that: “Well, because I have seen the images. Bart has not seen all the images, I think, but it has been on the site before.”

Bart: “I spoke to Kirsten, our reporter, and she said very clearly: ‘They both said nothing at all. We were all stunned.’”

Bram: “Well, that’s not true. That’s very simple. That is not true. Lil Kleine didn’t say anything. Comment was requested from the lawyer (his girlfriend, ed.) and she said: ‘We are not commenting today.’ That is Dutch. Kirsten said: ‘Yes, we can’t do anything with that.’”

Girlfriend angry too

That devilish Kirsten kept insisting, Bram grumbles. “Then she asked again and asked again and then you were told that no comment will be made, but no comment will be made, something will be said because some people are quite polite.”

Tooske: “Okay, a Babylonian confusion of tongues. So ‘no comment’ is like ‘nothing substantive’, but our colleague did a very good job today, because she kept asking questions.”

Bart: “We also contacted Nienke later today, but she didn’t want to say anything to us anymore, because she thought we had approached her in one way or another. He declined to say anything further.”

Brad: “That’s right.”

Emotion very high

Anouk Smulders to Bram: “Is that why the emotion is so high?”

Bram: “No, there is none at all… That you always see emotion in me, no, Bart cannot help this, but he is not well informed, that sometimes happens. I saw those images and it was said, ‘We are not commenting today’.”

He continues: “What sometimes surprises me – and I sometimes had a slight difference of opinion with Bart – is that people here think that as a manager (his son is Lil Kleine’s manager, ed.) you always have to comment. because a journalist thinks it is necessary and that as a lawyer you must comment because an employee of Shownieuws thinks that you should. There is absolutely nothing to do.”


Bart: “No, nothing is required, but at some point the question is whether it is smart.”

Bram: “Take it from me that Nienke Hoogervorst can determine better than you, because it is her profession, because you are better at other things, whether it is smart not to say anything today.”

At the end of the broadcast Bart came back to Bram’s emotional reaction. “It started out a little rough. Bram was a bit emotional, but he has calmed down a bit.”


Criticism of Bram’s performance last night:
