Brabant wants to help farmers with nitrogen reduction and demands money from The Hague

Brabant makes an urgent appeal to The Hague to come up with money and resources as quickly as possible to tackle the nitrogen reduction. The province, the water boards and all Brabant municipalities sent a joint fire letter to ministers Van der Wal (nitrogen) and Staghouwer (agriculture) on Thursday evening.

“We bear joint responsibility for the major tasks that we have in the Netherlands in the field of nitrogen, water, nature and climate,” writes Commissioner of the King Ina Adema, “and the responsibility to offer a future to agriculture.”

Brabant endorses the nitrogen targets, but states in the letter that it is deeply impressed by the discussions with individual farmers. “We hear and see that the will to become more sustainable is there, but that farmers no longer know how to implement it. They don’t know what they can do, but it does offer a future.”

That is why Brabant urges the ministers to act as quickly as possible and come up with money and future prospects. “As far as we’re concerned, that’s the best way to show the appreciation they deserve.”

In the letter, Adema once again mentions the pioneering role that Brabant has already taken on. The province has been committed to accelerating the transition to sustainable agriculture for years. According to Adema, this is very logical for the food province par excellence. All kinds of schemes have been set up to promote innovation and sustainable agriculture, but according to her, Brabant cannot do it alone.

“We ask you to keep an eye on the diversity of livestock farmers and development perspectives such as organic, nature-inclusive, expansion with care or recreation and continuation of a sustainable primary livestock farming business.”

Because farmers are part of Brabant, says Adema. “We would like to preserve them in a way that contributes to a healthy living environment, a robust nature and that is also economically profitable at the same time. We support them in this, but at the same time we also want to urge you to quickly provide clarity about the government options to to help them on a future-proof path.”


Province: ‘No clarity for farmers in July 2023’

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