Brabant is the last province to reach a coalition agreement, without BBB

In the province of North Brabant, the negotiating parties are the last province in the Netherlands to reach an administrative agreement. VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, SP, D66 and Local Brabant together form the provincial government.

The two formateurs, Bert Pauli and Erik van Merrienboer, have been appointed by a motion by the Provincial Council and set to work to see whether the VVD, GroenLinks, PvdA, SP, D66 and Local Brabant can form a stable provincial government together. The negotiators of those parties have reached an agreement.

The BBB is in opposition. Earlier there was already talk of an agreement in which the BBB did participate, but the party then made so many additional demands that the other parties continued to talk without the BBB.

Several parties want to present the agreement to their supporters first. The coalition program is expected to be presented on Friday 1 September.

READ ALSO: Chances that BBB will join the Brabant coalition ‘are zero’
