Brabant is the cheapest with burial, but cremation is quite expensive

Being buried in Brabant? That is the cheapest of all provinces. On average you pay 2114 euros here. In South Holland you lose the most with 4503 euros.

This is an average of all cemeteries. Looking purely at municipal cemeteries, you pay 2639 euros in burial costs in our province.

This is shown by research by Monuta that investigated the burial costs of 1701 municipal and special cemeteries in the Netherlands.

In addition, the costs of a cremation with and without use of the auditorium have been mapped out for 112 crematoria in the Netherlands. In Brabant you lose 1627 euros if you use the auditorium for a service. That is quite expensive compared to other provinces. You only pay more in Overijssel, Flevoland and Drenthe.

Cremation popular
Today, more than two-thirds of the Dutch opt for cremation. This share has increased enormously in recent decades. Cremation has only been officially allowed in the Netherlands since 1955. In the early 1960s, 4 percent opted for cremation,” said Martin Hoondert, lecturer in Music, Religion & Ritual at Tilburg University.

“It is interesting to see that a mix has emerged between cremation and burial. Because what do you do with the ashes and the urn? You can scatter the ashes on a scattering field, place the urn in an urn wall or bury the urn in a natural cemetery .”

The cheapest cemeteries in Brabant can be found in Bergeijk (1290 euros), for a term of 20 years.

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