Brabant houses are considerably more expensive, check the WOZ value in your municipality here

The WOZ value of houses in Brabant rose by almost 9 percent last year. This puts our province around the national average of 8.6 percent. This is evident from figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

WOZ stands for Value of Immovable Property, it is the municipality’s estimate of the value of a house. On 1 January of this year, the national average of the WOZ value of a home was 315,000 euros. In our province the average is 321,000 euros.

Reusel-De Mierden
With an increase of 16 percent, the WOZ value of the houses in Reusel-De Mierden rose the most. The most expensive houses are currently in the municipality of Vught. The average WOZ value of a home there is 423,000 euros. The top 10 looks like this:

1. Vught: 423,000 euros

2. Waalre: 421,000 euros

3. Oirschot: 417.00 euros

4. Heeze-Leende: 412,000 euros

5. Nuenen, Gerwen and Nederwetten: 402,000 euros

6. Son en Breugel: 401,000 euros

7. Alphen-Chaam: 399,000 euros

8. First: 397,000 euros

9. Sint-Michielsgestel: 396,000 euros

10. Reusel-De Mierden: 377,000 euros

Average ascent
Reusel-De Mierden therefore increased the most compared to the WOZ value a year earlier. The top ten is as follows:

1. Reusel-De Mierden: 16.00%

2. Drimmel: 14.97%

3. First: 14.08%

4. Oss: 13.36%

5. Steenbergen: 12.60%

6. Best: 12.46%

7. Bernheze: 12.01%

8. Deurne: 11.84%

9. Helmond: 11.79%

10. Boekel: 11.65%

Check here what it is like in your municipality:

The WOZ value follows the price developments of owner-occupied homes, but with a one-year delay. The WOZ values ​​in 2022 are therefore calculated based on the values ​​of the houses on January 1, 2021. All homes are included in the calculation of the WOZ value. This also includes rental properties and unsold homes. The amount of houses also changes due to new construction and demolition, which usually leads to a higher WOZ value.
