BOYCOTT RETURN | Four arrested in Catalonia accused of trying to boycott the Vuelta

The National Police have arrested this Saturday four people in the Lleida region of Solsonès accused of preparing acts against the passage through Catalonia of the Lap Cyclist to Spain.

According to police sources, the four arrests were carried out in the morning as part of a device given the suspicions that those arrested were preparing acts against the Lapwhich on the 28th passes through Solsona in the third stage, between Súria and Arinsal.

In a message on the social network X (formerly Twitter), the platform Solidarity Alert has denounced that, with these four arrests, it is intended to show that it is a “Lap colonialist” and has wondered if the arrests were due to fears that the Lap “reflects the national and social oppression” that they believe Catalonia suffers “as a people”.

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Parallel, Cultural Omnium has called protest actions throughout Catalonia on the occasion of the passage of the Lap to Spain, which has a total of three stages in the community.

The pro-independence entity has called for mobilization and to carry the estelada through the points where the lap cyclist, with the intention of “making the Catalan political conflict visible in the world”.
