Boy (14) missing in Eersel: search in swimming pool stopped

The major search for a 14-year-old boy in a swimming pool at camping TerSpegelt in Eersel was stopped around a quarter past seven on Wednesday evening. The police and diving teams of the fire brigade searched in vain for an hour for the boy from Hapert. According to the police, everything indicates that the child must still be in the water and did not survive.

The teenager who is wanted was paddle boarding with two friends. When their supboards capsized, the trio went under. Two of the boys were rescued from the water by bystanders. For the 14-year-old boy, that help came too late.

According to the police, the victim is of foreign origin and could not swim. His family has been informed and has come to the campsite.

Salvage action
The National Underwater Searches Team (LTOZ) is on its way to Eersel and is taking over the search. That will happen around half past eight in the evening. “The time frame has passed that the boy would still be alive. As a result, the rescue operation has turned into a salvage operation,” said a police spokesman.

The police started a major search on Wednesday afternoon together with divers from the fire brigade after a report was received around a quarter past five. “We are looking for a child in the water with all our might. Various emergency services are trying to locate the child,” the police tweeted.

Dive team
The fire brigades of Brabant Noord and Limburg Noord each sent a diving team to Eersel. The fire service also said that the reason for the search was an ‘acute missing person’.

According to witnesses, a trauma helicopter landed at the campsite around a quarter past six. A police helicopter also circled above the site. Both aircraft later departed again.

There are three ponds at the campsite on the Postelseweg. A TerSpegelt spokesperson said that she cannot and will not say anything about the search. She referred to the police.
