Boxing: De Carolis-Scardina, revenge in January

The highly anticipated rematch is now a reality: next year the intercontinental WBO super middleweight title will be up for grabs, won by the Roman boxer against “King Toretto” on May 13th.

On January 27 it will be Daniele Scardina again against Giovanni De Carolis. The first match, staged on May 13, 2022, was defined as the most “iconic” match of Italian boxing in the last ten years. While fighting “away” and against the odds, the Roman boxer managed to establish himself with a clear victory (Tko for Scardina in the fifth round).


The desire for revenge for “King Toretto” is a factor not to be underestimated, Alessandro Cherchi, of Opi Since 82 (organizer of the event) knows it well: “Daniele is a resilient, resistant, rocky guy. He is aware of the mistakes he made but he also knows the methods of improvement and growth well. He is training hard, he has a mental vision even before a certainty. He is convinced that he can overcome De Carolis and this desire for revenge does him honor “. The current WBO super middleweight intercontinental title holder, on the other hand, can’t wait to get back in the ring: “I had a good performance in Milan and I want to repeat myself. Above all it was a great show and I think the Italian boxing needs clashes like ours, between two top boxers who don’t spare themselves in the ring “.
