Bouncy castle festival and a summer full of activities in Assen: ‘Go play outside, romp around’

An assault course, different types of bouncy castles and all other types of inflatable playgrounds adorn the city center of Assen today. It is the kick-off of a summer full of Kids Zomervermaak activities, in which the Mega Bouncy castle festival is organized no less than four times.

On a sun-drenched day it is teeming with happy children. They run from bouncy castle to bouncy castle and throw themselves off the inflatable slides with the highest jumps. Remco Herlaar is part of the organization and he looks on with satisfaction. “It’s hot, but the kids think it’s beautiful, it’s big and they have fun.”

On every Wednesday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., five places in the city center are full of fun children’s activities. Each place has its own theme, such as the Klauterplein full of bouncy castles or the Cultuurtuin where you will find children’s theater performances. “This is organized by Vaart in Assen, the city center organisation. It is for tourists, residents of Assen, but also for people who cannot or cannot go on holiday in order to give the city center an impulse,” explains Herlaar.

Diya and Tessa are also at the bouncy castle festival. In the video below they take you through some bouncy castles:
