Boudewijn Seapark ice rink reopened

Boudewijn Seapark ice rink reopened

The energy crisis has also hit the ice rink of Boudewijn Seapark hard. The park is trying to reduce costs by using energy-efficient LED lighting, among other things.

Higher entrance fee

Higher prices for visitors who want to skate should keep the possibility of skating on the ice rink alive again. For an afternoon of skating you now pay 11 euros, instead of 9 euros.

Busy Christmas period

Boudewijn Seapark is counting on a busy Christmas period to increase income. In recent corona winters, a lot of income was lost due to the restrictions imposed.
For example, during the corona period, only 200 visitors were allowed on the slopes at the same time and the cafeteria was not open. Those sources of income are gradually declining.
