Bouchez wants everything to be done for the Burgemeesterssjerp van Bergen in the next year Inland

‘Mons en Mieux’ contains eleven notes in the Bergen district. This is half the same as the PS from Burgemeester Nicolas Martin, but the other party is now campaigning in the sea. In 2024, the Bouchez de lijst van ‘Mons en Mieux’ trekken, which for the overige zal zijn seedgesteld uit stocke verkozenen en new names uit the maatschappelijk middenveld, vooral zelfstandigen, winkeliers and faces uit sportclubs en het verenigingsleven, zo luidde het van daag.

Bouchez wants to be one of the mayors of the city. “As I am in the Burgemeester aanduiden, I can also do it with other functions available,” he said. “In 2018 we had the best score of the other part in the PS, it was 1994. Momentarily we have several candidates in the plaatsen zijn op de lijst.” How effective the plaats will be will be announced in November.

‘Mons en Mieux’ does an opproep to the other parts from seeds in a good vision for the arrival of Bergen op te zetten. “The afgelopen jaren heeft elke opposition party afwisselend met de PS seedengewerkt. “We want to be stronger with a new dynamic and an alternative, deeply taxed regime,” Aldus Bouchez.

Bouchez will be heralded for a year later as the voorzitter of the MR. Former Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès will be invited to the external relations of the party in the loop to the district in June 2024.
