Bottas was wearing the Kummeli character’s hat, Timo Kahilainen was delighted

Kahilainen gives credit for her character’s clothing to “every character’s mother”.

Valtteri Bottas and the iconic hat for Finns. PDO

Kummeli has been making Finns laugh for decades. The sketch group has left its huge imprint on popular culture. There was a special proof of that last weekend.

Formula star Valtteri Bottas enjoyed himself in connection with the French GP, wearing a hat with the logo of Paul Ricard, which served as the race venue. There was nothing special about the hat itself. The French race hosts handed them out to the media in the pits to protect them from the scorching heat.

But for Bottas and the Finns, the hat had another meaning. That’s what he used Dille Kagelberg while treating in the 1997 film Kummeli Kultakuume.

Dill presented by Timo Kahilainen laughs at Iltalehte.

– I only now realized what hat he is wearing. It’s nice that others have noticed.

Kahilainen gives the credit for his character’s choice of hat to another address.

– It goes to the mother figure of every godfather character.

– This was another reminder to our dresser Jaana Aron of genius. Points for him. Greetings to Jaana, Kahilainen says.

Bottas said on the Viaplay broadcast that he fell in love with the hat precisely because of the Kummeli connection. Kahilainen is taken from this detail.

– It’s a great thing. That movie is already quite old, but it always comes up steadily. I myself have warm memories of the movie. It was a great summer.

Kahilainen’s own relationship with formulas and Bottas is traditional.

– I watch the games on TV. I’ve never been to the Games on site. I haven’t even met Bottas yet. We’ll say hello when we bump into each other, Kahilainen promises.

Lions and sheep were shared in Iltalehti’s F1 studio

Timo Kahilainen (left) has been making Finns laugh for years as part of the Kummeli sketch group. Photo from 2016. Antti Nikkanen
