Botox hair: treatments, contraindications and opinions

C.dry, dull and fragile skin? The solution is the botox for hair, a trichological treatment with vitamins D and B6, panthenol, amino acids and proteins able to restore life to damaged stems.

Nothing to do with injectable botulinum toxin, from which it only takes its name: the Botox Hair Therapy should be requested from your trusted hairdresser as intensive restructuring treatment.

Botox hair: what it is and how it is done

No injections and needles, the botox hair treatment is a concentrate of vitamins (D, B6 and panthenol), proteins and amino acids which act on the hair to “rejuvenate it”, give it volume, hydrate it and make it healthier and shinier.

The botox hair can be customized according to your needs, thus obtaining the perfect formulation for your hair type. In fact, oils and other nutrients can be added to the basic composition, made up of proteins, keratin, oils and amino acids, depending on your problem.

The goal of hair botox is to repair hair damage caused by oxidative stress, abuse of heated beauty tools (such as hair dryers and plates) and excessive coloring or discoloration. The result is an immediately healthier, brighter and more volumized hair.

Botox hot and cold hair: the differences

However, there are two methods to perform the botox treatment, hot and cold.

How to take care of long hair in 5 steps

The first is recommended for those with i fine, colorless hairon the contrary, if the hair is more damaged and with a thicker texture, you can proceed with the cold treatment. Subsequently – to seal the treatment – the hairdresser will pass on one strands ultrasonic plate in order to make the ingredients penetrate deeply and seal the scales.

The then botox can be found both in the cream formulation – designed for professional use – that in spray, ideal for home use and to be applied to freshly washed hair.

How the botox treatment is performed in the salon

As a first step, a wash with an alkaline shampoo is performed, in order to open the cuticles and eliminate impurities well.

Then the hair is towel-dried to remove excess water, and the nourishing and moisturizing product is applied to each individual strand, taking care to keep at least a distance of at least 1 centimeter from the root. After having massaged it – to favor its penetration – yes leave on for 30/40 minutes.

Finally, the hair is rinsed with cold water, to close the cuticles and ensure a long duration. Finally, the drying is finished by passing the straightener on the hairto ensure an extreme brightness and softness.

Botox and Keratin, what are the differences?

Not to be confused with the keratin treatment, the botox for hair it is very different. The first in fact acts in a particular way on dry and damaged haircounteracting the frizz effect and leaving the hair smooth and disciplined.

On the contrary, botox does not alter the capillary texture – for example, passing from curly to straight – but plumps and gives body and volume to the hair. By doing so, the natural hair only appears healthier and more beautiful, just like face botox which acts on wrinkles, restoring the skin to its young and fresh appearance.

Duration and post treatment care

Already visible from the first application, to ensure a long lasting effect it is necessary apply the botox treatment on home use hair at least once a week for a month.

After that the treatment will have a duration of about 2/3 months. The result can also differ considerably from the type of hair on which it is performed and the basic situation.

It is very important to choose carefully the products intended for cleansing: not recommended shampoos with silicones and sulphates, too aggressive on botox. Therefore, it is better to focus on delicate and natural formulations, with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, in order to maximize the beneficial effects of the treatment.

Botox hair: contraindications and price

Finally, the botox hair has some minor contraindications: cannot be performed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and is highly not recommended in case of allergies or dermatitis.

For what concern price in the salon, each session is around 50 euros (for a duration of 20 minutes) while the “do it yourself” solution is cheaper but may not guarantee the same results.

