Botman wants Milan: Lille refuses Newcastle 40 million offer | First page

No Newcastle for Sven Botman. According to what has been learned from, Lille said no to 40 million euros plus bonuses (mostly linked to the player’s individual achievements) Magpies, who in these hours have made a last attempt. The Dutch defender will not fly to England, he will remain in France until the end of the season. Only in June will he decide what to do: a renewal of the contract expiring in 2025 is difficult, a farewell is easier.

FIRST OPTION In the background is Milan, considered the first choice. Botman wants to dress the Rossoneri, for this reason he has never pushed for a transfer to the Premier League in this transfer window. Maldini will talk to Lille about him and Renato Sanches, the other great summer goal, in June.


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