Botman: “Moving to Newcastle? It seemed to me better than Milan “

Sven Botman talked about his transfer to the English club and why he turned down AC Milan’s offer.

For months Milan followed in the footsteps of Sven Botman of Lille. The defender had already been monitored in the winter, but nothing was done because the French club was against a sale of him. In recent months but especially in the last few weeks, Milan had strongly returned to him, but in the end the player has decided to accept Newcastle’s proposal. The 22-year-old will therefore not wear the Rossoneri shirt next year. The former Lille defender himself gave an interview to the microphones of the De Telegraaf and commented on his choice. Here are his statements:

On refusing Milan and accepting the transfer to the Premier: “In the end, Newcastle’s ambitious plan, combined with playing in the Premier League, was the deciding factor. All my life I have dreamed of playing in the English league. Milan also gave me good feelings, but Newcastle seemed a little better in the end. In England football is different than in France, everything revolves around football. I’m not such a famous player, but on the street they recognized me and wanted to talk to me. Fans welcomed me warmly to the stadium and training center as well, and I’m not used to that“.

Botman explained that he wanted to move to England already in the winter, but he gave up to indulge the French club. Here are his words about it: “I wanted to move to Newcastle as early as January, because trains like these only run once, I know it’s a bit of a cliché but that’s the way it is. For me Newcastle was a great opportunity, but the club wanted to keep me. In the end I was able to say goodbye to Lille in the right way, the club deserved it. Staying was certainly not a punishment, because I knew that two splendid matches with Chelsea were on the way in the Champions League“.
