Bosbranden in the west of Canada laaien weer op | Buitenland

Well, little rusty dagen zijn de brands weer in force toegenomen in Alberta. “Het vuur is dermate oncontroleerbaar dat sommige fireweerploegen zich raise terugtrekken,” says Luc Mercier, administrative director of Yellowhead County.

In the north-east of British Columbia is Tumbler Ridge, a place with 2,400 residents, also large areas of geëvacueerd nadat a brand genederd was tot op little kilometers van het stadje.

In Quebec, Minister of Open Public Health François Bonnardel said that the situation was in the center and north-west of the province of Moeilijk. More than that, he was still told that he was going to vuur. “Nooit eerder in the divorce van Quebec most zoveel branden been discussed, zoveel mensen geëvacueerd been”, aldus de minister.

Over het hele land zijn he volgens de autoriteiten nog 416 actieve branden, warvan 203 niet onder controle. Are the beginning of the year in Canada al 4.6 million hectares above the vlammen opgegaan. That is a lot of sea in the middle of the day.

KIJK. “Ongeziene bosbrand” in east of Canada
