Borussia Dortmund – Rose sees BVB in debt: “Expect a win”

Dortmund (dpa) – Borussia Dortmund’s soccer coach Marco Rose sees his team as having to deliver after the weak performance in the 1: 4 against RB Leipzig.

“The disappointment was very great. A lot is pouring down on us. On Friday we have the chance to put that into perspective and steer it in a different direction,” said the coach before the second-placed team’s game (8:30 p.m. / DAZN ) in Stuttgart.

Rose: “We are expected to win”

Although the Champions League qualification seems certain with a twelve-point lead in fifth place, Rose warned his team about a lack of excitement in the final spurt of the season: “Very great attention. Too much has happened in football for that. We expect a win – and we will a victory expected.” Modern football includes the ability “to run a lot, to sprint a lot and to fight a lot. “If we’re not careful there, it could be that we lose touch in some areas. Just playing nice won’t work anymore.”

Rose expressed understanding for the fans’ growing dissatisfaction with the team and its work: “Despite all the criticism, I should be part of the solution. I’m the head coach. I’m responsible for improving things. If we don’t get it done consistently, It is clear that I also bear the responsibility for this.” However, Rose is confident that he will be able to contribute to a change in the coming months: “This season has a certain history. It has been shown to us that we have some catching up to do in terms of squad structure and ability to play. We want to try to get the squad in the summer to change a bit.”
