Borrell says that the PSOE pacts with Junts and ERC cause him “quite a few concerns”


11/14/2023 at 00:02


The high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs assures that he will rule on the agreements “at the time”, but believes that “everyone can imagine” his opinion

The High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrellassured this Monday that the agreements of the PSOE with Junts and ERC for the investiture of Pedro Sanchez as president of the Government They cause “a lot of worry”.

“Yes, I already know the political agreements reached with two pro-independence parties and certainly those agreements they cause me some concern or quite a few worrieslogical, on the other hand, because it is a complex and difficult problem,” he declared during a press conference after the meeting of EU foreign ministers held this Monday in Brussels.

He added that about this “complex and difficult” problem, Borrell will be pronounced “at the time, not now”.

About him amnesty bill He did not want to speak out because he still does not know the text, since he has been “locked in” this Monday in the meeting of foreign ministers of the Twenty-seven and “these days” he has been “terribly busy with the problems inherent to his function” as head of community diplomacy.

“I am here now as high representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy at a press conference in a community institution reporting on the debates of a European Affairs Council,” commented the politician of the PSOE.

“It is evident that I cannot mix my role with personal considerations regarding a problem of Spanish internal politics, which does not mean that I do not have my opinion and that At some point I will express it, because I have the full right to do so.without involving the European institutions, in any way,” he commented.

He has pointed out that “everyone” who knows him in Spain and “knows his personal and previous political career you can imagine what he thinks“.
