Borrell figures EU military aid to Ukraine at 8,000 million

  • The high representative for European foreign policy assures that they will continue to help kyiv “until victory”

  • The European Union launches the mission to train at least 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers on European soil

The European Union and the 27 Member States have delivered so far, between European funding and bilateral contributions, “at least 8,000 million euros& rdquor; in military equipment to Ukraine which represents approximately 45% of the effort made by the United States, as specified by the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, after a meeting of foreign ministers in which they have once again closed ranks with kyiv and confirm that they will continue to do everything possible to “isolate Russia internationally& rdquor; through restrictive measures against the Russian economy and sanctions.

A response that in Borrell’s opinion is “fragilitating & rdquor; and “weakening & rdquor; the Russian economy as well as its ability to acquire technology and renew its arsenal after the enormous losses that the Russian army is suffering in Ukraine. “(Vladimir) Putin is incapable of conquering Ukraine. He is unable to defeat the Ukrainian army, Putin is withdrawing & rdquor ;, he has explained about the decision of the Russian army to move its troops to the other side of the Dniepr river. “He’s trying to make up for this. military failure increasing the suffering of the Ukrainian people, destroying the electrical system now that winter is approaching,” he added, guaranteeing immediate support from the EU to repair and restore electrical infrastructure.

Military training

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EU foreign ministers have also agreed to launch the military training mission announced a month ago with the aim of training “at least 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers & rdquor ;. Borrell has explained that the training will begin before the end of november and that there will be different Member States that have offered to form teams, not just the Member States bordering Poland.

“The country I know best -for Spain– You will also participate in training on your territory. The training will be carried out in different Member States, not only in Poland,” he announced after a meeting in which they once again listened to the analysis of the situation by videoconference from the Ukrainian foreign minister, Dymitro Kuleba. “We have confirmed that the EU is with Ukraine and that it will continue to be until victory,” said Borrell, who also explained that it will be kyiv who defines the parameters of that victory.
