Borràs, the homeland and the “concentration” of interests

In case of Laura Borras, about to be accused by the Prosecutor’s Office at the request of the TSJC of four crimes, about to receive a summons for the oral trial on prevarication, fraud, false documentation and embezzlement of public funds, promises an avalanche of political pearls that have barely begun to line up and that could lead to a very serious institutional crisis. The “powerful & rdquor; Laura (the adjective is not mine, but the appeal of the President of the Parliament against the closure of the judicial investigation) has decided, openly, for the identification between her and the nation, between her alleged administrative malpractice and the fate of an entire village. She is persecuted and will be judged not because there was “concentration & rdquor; interest between her and the beneficiary of the chopped contracts, but because the dark hand of the judges (which it certainly is in other cases) attempts against her as the savior of the country. To the other side, Marta Rovira says that “blind support” is not valid. Repression is one thing and article 25.4 of the Parliament’s regulations is another. Days of agitation are approaching in the sea, already very rough, of the fragile government vessel, while it is decided whether Borràs sails or is shipwrecked.
