Borràs and Turull face each other to lead Together if there is no agreement in extremis

05/10/2022 at 08:34


The President of the Parliament, Laura Borràsand the former minister and vice president of Junts, Jordi Turullwill face each other to lead together if there is no agreement ‘in extremis‘ before this Tuesday at 4:00 p.m., when the period in which applications can be submitted ends.

Junts will hold its congress in two parts after the resignation of the former president of the Generalitat and leader of the formation, Carles Puigdemont, and the general secretary, Jordi Sànchez, to revalidate their positions: on June 4 the new management will be chosen in Argelès-sur-Mer (France), and in July there will be another day that will serve to approve the political and organizational proposal.

Without ruling out the agreement yet, Borràs and Turull have not yet managed to get the positions close enough and they could formalize separate candidacies for the general secretary of Junts, thus showing an image of division that many families in the party want to avoid.

In fact, sources consulted by Europa Press have explained that Monday night they were already setting up their equipment and calling the people who could integrate their respective executives.

Those who want to present themselves to Congress can do so for the presidency, with the name of four vice-presidencies; the general secretary, together with the organizational and finance secretaries, and the rest of the management, made up of 18 people.

Although A large part of the Junts sectors claim to work for a joint candidacythe reality is that they do not agree on what position each one should occupy or on the executive power they should hold.

Initially, the possibility of Borràs assuming the presidency and Turull the general secretary was being consideredbut the presidency of Junts is of an institutional and representative nature, and Borràs’s entourage considers that the support that his figure has among the bases does not later translate into decision-making positions.

“The institutional position I have is the second most important in the country and the highest ranking in Junts. It seems logical and the militancy considers that it is fair that the leaderships for which they have opted also have something to say,” she said on Sunday. to The Vanguard.

Thus, one of the options that has been considered to give more political and executive power to the presidency is a reform of the statutes through the organizational presentation, which would have to be done ‘a posteriori’ in the second part of the Junts congress , in July.

Nevertheless, close to Borràs have warned of the difficulty of this operation and do not recommend ittaking into account that it would have to be done a month after having chosen the new address.

Yes, there could be an agreement between the two when it comes to presenting a unitary candidacy between the two teams for the presidency of the party, and they could look for the profile “of former ministers in exile such as Toni Comín, Lluís Puig and even Josep Rull”, they assure other sources.

Possible members

While Borràs entered Junts as an independent and has the support of the bases, Turull has that of party cadres who come from his time at CDC and that of those closest to the still general secretary, Jordi Sànchez.

Thus, in the team of the President of the Parliament, Jaume Alonso-Cuevillas could accompany her in the Secretary of Organization, and other names faithful to her figure such as Francesc de Dalmases; Aurora Madula; Esther Valles; Montse Girbau; Cristina Casol and probably also Aleix Sarri, among others, according to sources consulted by Europa Press.

For its part, Turull has the support of many of those who signed a manifesto last week that expressed support for Borràs as the future president of Junts and for the former minister as general secretary, and who endorsed ministers and leaders of Junts.

The Vice President and Minister of Digital Policies and Territory, Jordi Puigneró, did not sign it; the Minister of Universities, Gemma Geis; the vice presidents of the party Elsa Artadi and Josep Rius, and people close to Borràs.

Among the people from Turull who could make up the new leadership, Joan Ramon Casals sounds and there is the question of what the Junts spokesperson will do in Congress, Míriam Nogueras, who, despite not signing the manifesto, is related to Turull but also He maintains a good relationship with Borràs.
