Born on King’s Day: colt Willem-Alexander | 1Limburg

We all know that Willem-Alexander was born on King’s Day. But that colt Willem-Alexander saw the light of day on this day is brand new news.

The foal was born at the Hans van den Berg stallion farm in Arcen. Mandy Cuijpers, who takes care of the horses in the stable, did not expect that he had just come into the world on King’s Day. “His mother always goes way past the due date. She was due this week, but it is very special that she gave birth today.”

initial letter
At the stable there is a team that makes up a name when a foal is born. “When a colt is born, he gets a name with the first letter from his father. A newborn filly gets the name with the first letter from her mother,” says Cuijpers. And since the father of the brand new foal is called Wulkan, according to the rules of the studbook his name also had to start with a W.

Drama name choice
“It is always a drama to come up with a nice name with so many people”, the horse caretaker indicates. “We as ladies are of the more special names. But the owner of this horse is of the easy. He usually doesn’t win.” But that was different this time. The owner suggested the name Willem-Alexander. “Now it was clear to everyone: his name must be Willem-Alexander. So this time the credits are for the owner himself,” she says with a smile.

The brand new Willem-Alexander van de Edelweiss, as his official studbook name is, is doing well.
