Borja García, pending renewal

06/20/2023 at 21:40


The Madrid footballer is waiting for Girona to make a move to find out whether or not he will continue for another year at the rojiblanca entity

Yangel Herrera and Reinier have options to repeat assignment in Montilivi

After the renewal of Juan Carlos, on the table of quique jail there are still Open the Borja García folder. The midfielder from Madrid is the only player in the rojiblanca squad who The relationship with the club ends in nine days and that his immediate future is still not clear.

During the last months, Míchel has stated more than once that he would like Borja García to renew. Even so, for the moment, the future of Villaverde has not just been unraveled. Despite the technician’s declaration of intent, the club has not just taken the step. Borja’s will is to stay in Girona and live his eighth season in Montiliviwhere he is one of the captains and one of the players with the most appearances in LaLiga.

On the other hand, all the players on loan this year will also close their stage in Montilivi on June 30: Castellanos, Javi Hernández, Iván Martín, Reinier, Yangel Herrera, Couto and Riquelme.

In this sense, waiting for where the market goes, the intention of the club would be repeat the transfer of Herrera by Manchester City. Also the Brazilian owned by Real Madrid Reinier has many numbers to come back. The continuity of the rest is much more complicated, not to say that it is ruled out.
