Boris Johnson is involved in a controversy over Britain’s royal house | Buitenland

The controversy in the United Kingdom over a book about the British royal family that in the Netherlands with the verkoop is gehaald, blijft duren. The former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared today in the debate with an opinion in the tabloid ‘Daily Mail’ and in defense of the royals.

In the Dutch version of the book ‘Endgame’ (‘Eindstrijd’) by the British author Omid Scobie, king Charles (75) and princesses Kate (41) are identified as the royals, princes Harry (39) and hertogin Meghan (42). accused hadden te speculeren over de huidskleur van hun toen still onborn zoon Archie (4). This brought respected British media to the likes of ‘BBC’ and ‘The Guardian’.

He was accused in a sensational interview with the American talk show legend Oprah Winfrey in May 2021. Meghan Wilde, the name of the royals in the West, was never heard from “it was a shame for him.” Volgens Meghan went to talk over the roof of the hair of her child and to see what she was saying.

Het is onduidelijk waarom the name avenues in the Dutch versie te lezen goods. The author, Omid Scobie, was born in the book in the name of the stonden. Maar also de Nederlandse vertalers houden voet bij stuk dat ze niets hebben toegevoegd. The Nederlandse uitgever nam the book uit de handel.

Johnson is not guilty in this column of vermeende speculations about Archie’s color. The accused were “opnieuw een voorbeeld van het proces waarbij normal menselijke denkpatronen en draggeden aan de kaak gesteld, gedemoniseerd en verwijderd uit de canon van what is acceptable is”, aldus de conservative politicus.
