Boris Johnson and a few other British ministers like Russia no more in | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Lees everything over de oorlog in Oekraïne in dit dossier.

“Deze maatregel is taken as a reaction to the ongebreidelde media- en politieke campagne om Russia internationaal te isoleren en de voorwaarden te scheppen voor (…) urging van de national economy”, says the Russian Ministry of Buitenlandse Zaken in a verklaring. Het ministerie maakt gewag van “ungeziene vijandige acties” in London.

Op de Russian blacksmiths will keep Johnson on their toes, as well as being vice-premier and minister of justice Dominic Raab, minister of civil affairs Zaken Liz Truss and minister of defense Ben Wallace. Also op de lijst: oud-premier Theresa May en de Schotse premier Nicola Sturgeon.

Moskou says it has been announced that there are no more Britse politici and parliamentary reports that say “the anti-Russian hysteria is still there, the West is dead three-years on the addresses of Moscow and the neo-Nazi regime of Kiev op oneerlijke aanmoedigen”.
