Boris Becker is now a teaching assistant in prison

At the end of April, Boris Becker was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for bankruptcy fraud

At the end of April, Boris Becker was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for bankruptcy fraud Photo: Picture Alliance

From BZ

Now he should help others.

Tennis legend Boris Becker (54) is currently serving a sentence in Huntercombe prison near London for bankruptcy fraud. At the end of April, Becker was sentenced to a total of two and a half years in prison.

Now Becker is said to have been given a new job. According to the newspaper “Sun”, Becker is said to have been appointed class assistant, a kind of assistant teacher.

He should be allowed to teach other prisoners in sports science. Topics of the lesson: nutrition, anatomy, movements.

Actually, there would be nobody better than Becker. But according to “Sun”, some prisoners are said to have seen special treatment here and complained.


Boris Becker German Celebrities England Prison
