Boris Becker accepts his prison sentence

Tennis legend Boris Becker is currently in a British prison

Tennis legend Boris Becker is currently in a British prison Photo: Picture Alliance

By Ina Michaelis-Ugwonno and Tanja May

After a good four weeks in prison, there are a few first words from the convicted ex-tennis professional Boris Becker (54) about the verdict that shocked his fans and his family – and most of all himself!

At the end of April, Becker was sentenced in London to two and a half years in prison for delaying bankruptcy.

The tennis legend is currently being held in Huntercombe prison in Nuffield, around 70 kilometers west of London. From there he has now published a press release through his lawyer Christian-Oliver Moser. This is available to BILD verbatim.

It reads: “Our client has chosen not to appeal the Southwark Crown Court’s sentencing judgment concerning him.”

And further: “Our client accepts both the verdict of the jury and the sentence imposed by the court.”

more on the subject

Furthermore, it is important for Boris Becker and his lawyer to emphasize: “The main reason for the conviction of our client is the fact that he made private payments via a business account after opening insolvency. The payments were made, among other things, for the benefit of his children and relatives as well as for open medical bills and consulting costs.

What gives Becker hope now: With good behavior, he could serve half of his sentence on probation.


Boris Becker UK bankruptcy
