Boris (11) with whole family ready for Alpe d’HuZes: “I never knew my grandmother because of cancer”

Like his father and grandfather, 11-year-old Boris is climbing the mythical Alpe d’Huez this year. The very heavy French kol has been climbed by his family for years during the Alpe d’HuZes, but because of corona Boris was never able to participate before. Now he thinks he is ready for the more than a thousand vertical meters that await him: “I trained well”, he laughs.

Boris all ready for the Alpe ‘d HuZes – NH Nieuws

In 2014 his father, Wouter Tjeenk Willink, started an adventure in the south of France with his uncle. “Then as a tribute to my deceased mother-in-law,” says Wouter. “I never knew her, she had already died before I met my girlfriend.” Grandpa Erik eventually joined the tradition and now also grandson Boris.

Who starts for a similar reason as his father eight years ago. “I never knew my grandmother because of cancer, that’s why I go cycling.”

“I hope Boris will soon be able to say: people used to die from cancer”

Erik Racké – grandfather of Boris

Boris actually wanted to resign two years ago, but then corona threw a spanner in the works. “Then we as alternative climbed the Stichtse Brug as often as possible.” The bridge between North Holland and Flevoland is practically in the backyard of the family. “I hope that is somewhat comparable, but I don’t think so,” says Boris.

Grandpa Erik is now climbing the French mountain with a broader motivation than the first few times. “I think it is very important that you can say: people used to die of cancer, but not anymore. I hope Boris can say that soon,” he glows with pride.

NH is there live

On Thursday 2 June, the Alpe d’HuZes will be held for the fifteenth time. Five thousand participants will climb the Alpe d’Huez up to six times that day, cycling, running or walking. The aim is to raise as much money as possible for cancer research. In 2019, the event raised a record amount of almost 12 million euros. NH Nieuws closely follows the participants in Noord-Holland and this year, together with the other regional broadcasters, will report live from the Alpe d’Huez.
