Boomers have a better command of this digital skill than young Zoomers

A recent study by the security company F-Secure shatters stereotypical perceptions of the generation gap.

Even though the representatives of generation Z are considered the first genuine diginatives, there is room for improvement in their IT awareness as well. Adobe Stock / AOP

Although the share of those who have reached an adult age may be highlighted in online scams making headlines, where significant sums of money have been lost, a recent study by the information security company F-Secure says that it is even easier to scam the younger generation.

Falling for online scams is often thought to be a problem especially for older people, but according to F-Secure’s research, a representative of the so-called Generation Z is three times more likely to be the target of online scams than someone over 55.

The research result breaks the notion that diginatives are better at avoiding scams than older generations. Although many young people know the social media world like the back of their hand, it is more difficult for them to recognize manipulation attempts.

Young people do not take the dangers of the Internet as seriously as older generations

Despite their vulnerability, only 11 percent of Generation Z representatives say they are worried about the security of online shopping. For people over 55, the corresponding figure is 31 percent. According to F-Secure, even this difference can partly explain the higher probability of younger people being scammed.

71 percent of young people said that they protect themselves from the dangers of online shopping by avoiding, for example, smaller independent online stores. However, F-Secure reminds us that scams are also carried out in the name of large online stores and retailers, and brand recognition does not automatically provide protection.

F-Secure’s information security expert Tom Gaffney says in the announcement that young people’s more carefree attitude towards the dangers of the internet also makes them more vulnerable to scams.

– In this group of people, the lack of awareness related to network security is clearly noticeable, says Gaffney.

The 10 most popular product categories scammers use to attract young people

  1. Fashion products
  2. Electronics
  3. Beauty products
  4. Furniture and decorative items
  5. Tourism
  6. Sports equipment
  7. Gifts
  8. Food
  9. Conveyance
  10. Concert tickets

Source: F-Secure
