Boomers and beauty: beauty after 50

“ORToday the primary need, the “conditio sine qua non”, for boomers is to slow down aging? asks Diego Dalla Palma, image maker and writer. «We chase ‘the time that cannot return’ and we play everything on exteriority. What is beauty, then, for the Generation Boomers, women born between 1946 and 1964?

Boomers and beauty

«Beauty is a mirror of ourselves: that image conveys what we are, despite the inexorability of time that passes. It should therefore be listened to as if it were music, accepted as a natural change. Because the real one lasts over time, it is awareness, intelligence, in-depth analysis, suffering, courage, conscience” continues Diego Dalla Palma.

«Beauty becomes value only if it is full of meaning. Only if a spiritual path has been achieved that has guided the inner search. The fundamental characteristics that make the difference are naturalness, security, self-esteem, ease, and at the top, personality and charm. Let’s face it: charm is the highest form of beauty. Well yes conquers with time and age, with battles won and defeats.”

Photo by Carlotta Bertelli, Blaze dress, Salvini earrings – Makeup and hair Roman Gasser @ WM.

Yes to change

«Over the years, existential storms take over which, together with awareness, the great gift that life grants to intelligent people, bring security and analysis to one’s existence. Experience fuels anyone’s personality and brings ease, unexpected certainties and a more or less useful dose of fatalism. It is no coincidence that the great icons of history, both female and male, are figures who have achieved inimitable styles and meanings through time, evolution and strategic existential struggles.

White hair: a charm that enchants many stars united by

Beauty is (also) the antechamber of freedom. It is slavery if it conditions one’s being. On the contrary, if you are aware that it will pass, that it will change, it can be a challenge to invest in atypicality, in your own particularities and to experiment with new paths.”

Winning (makeup) choices

«There are mature women who do they delude themselves into regaining their youth through excessive make-up. Nothing could be more wrong and, above all, counterproductive: the amount of makeup should be limited or targeted. It is necessary use colored bases, such as infused BB creams of active ingredients, or new generation foundations, light but performing, to avoid accentuating wrinkles and expression lines. The secret is the dose: better a little but apply very carefully without neglecting the neck to avoid unsightly gaps.

Women who have i white hair should prefer absolute tones: black, green and blue for the eyes and red for the lips. It is important to remember that the eyebrows they tend to thin out. In order for the eye to take on a more incisive appearance, they must be thickened with a special pencil of the color closest to the natural one.

There mouth, as the years pass, it changes: it tends to lose pigmentation and the drawing becomes discontinuous, imprecise. We must therefore define it with a nude or lively tone pencil. It is important to underline that certain bright reds or, on the contrary, gloomy on faces framed by gray or white hair looks enchanting».

Ideas for the head

It is best to choose soft hairstyles and natural shades, a maximum of one or two tones brighter or darker than the base. Short, poorly constructed cuts are ideal, to be combed only with the hands or at most with the help of gels and foams.

If they choose long hairIt is better to avoid voluminous hairstyles, which tend to weigh down the figure. And for those who have decided to marry total whiteboth the cut and maintenance are important: a fresh and dynamic haircut and an anti-yellow highlighter, with a “metallic” finish at least once a month.

