Books to read to learn more about Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee her none ever. Elizabeth II on June 2 of her celebrated the Platinum Jubilee for the 70 years of her reign. An unprecedented anniversary. Not just in British history. But in that of all of Europe. The sovereign is already a legend. Here are the four must-read books of the week to find out more.

1 / Books to read. The Queen

Books to read.  Queen Elizabeth

Books to read. Queen Elizabeth

Why read it

Andrew Morton is among the most famous royal biographers. His fame is forever linked to the sensational biography Diana. Its true story (originally published in Italy by Sonzogno and available in Bureau from 2017). It was translated into 35 languages ​​and created a real earthquake in the royal family.

Since then, Morton has taken the top spot among the bestsellers of the Sunday Times also with a biography of Wallis Simpson (Wallis in Love), with an in-depth analysis of the complex relationship between the two royal sisters (Elizabeth & Margaret) and with the first in-depth biography of Meghan Markle (Meghan. Its true story, Piemme 2018).

For the Platinum Jubilee he wrote a book about Elizabeth II which is also a memoir of his life as a royal watcher. A very personal and very nice story right from the start, which reflect – it must be said – that subtle British humor mixed with a certain indulgence when he writes: “He who has met the queen (like me) cannot forget her”.

In the book go back to the years of Elizabeth the young princess who in vain had begged her parents to have a little brother (who knows what her life would have been like today, she who always wanted to live in the countryside with horses). And then she tells the story of when she was 25, she becomes queen after the untimely death of her father, King George VI.

Queen Elizabeth appears on the balcony: the cheers of the crowd for the Jubilee

Queen Elizabeth appears on the balcony: the cheers of the crowd for the Jubilee

Since then, his record-breaking journey begins: the longest reign and with the most travels, handshakes and speeches than that of any other monarch in history. Elizabeth II is history. He began his reign with Winston Churchilthere and is still there, a living legend. Perhaps, also for this reason, Prince Charles, from the balcony of Buckingham Palace, to Trooping the Color 2022, he was moved. Nothing will ever be like now, in the future. And perhaps his words summarize his greatness:

“I hope that the next few days – he said – will provide an opportunity to reflect on all that has been achieved in the last 70 years, while we look to the future with confidence and enthusiasm ».

Info. The Queen. Andrew Morton. Rizzoli. 20 euro.

2 / Books to read. A three-dog problem

Books to read.  A three-dog problem

Books to read. A three-dog problem

Why read it

Can you imagine Elizabeth II detective? We do. This is why we love the books of the English journalist and writer, SJ Bennet. She made it up a genial trend: Queen Elizabeth in the role of an investigator. The story is this: at Buckingham Palace, the autumn of 2016 promises to be particularly burdensome: Queen Elizabeth has to deal with a referendum that divided the nation, a Brexit at the gates and a massive renovation plan for the royal residence.

Yet the order of his concerns is upset when the body of a housekeeper is found by the pool. Is this a tragic fate or is something sinister happening at Buckingham Palace? Unlike his illustrious predecessor Sherlock Holmes, who considered it necessary to smoke three pipes to solve the most difficult cases, the queen needs her trusted assistant Rozie and a nice walk with her three inseparable dogs.

The author has already published for Oscar Mondadori the Windsor Knot. You can hear it on our God Save the Queen podcast from next week. Elizabeth II as Miss Marple is hilarious.

Info. A three dog problem, SJBennett. Oscar Mondadori. 19 euros.

3 / Books to read. God Save the Queen

Books to read.  God Save the Queen

Why read it

A book with the title that directly reproduces the national anthem. And that of the iO Donna podcast. God Save the Queen is the pop tribute of the illustrator Ivan Canu (regular guest of the iO Donna podcast) to an icon that goes beyond legend: Queen Elizabeth.

One thinks of Queen Elizabeth and imagines her with Churchill, with the Beatles, with Thatcher, with Lady Dyou see it almost in every decade of which you can have a visual memory, you find it grappling with the great events of history as well as with the great “quarrels” of the palace, not least the Meghan affair.

Ivan Canu tells the life and reign of Elizabeth II, entering the historical and personal events, the court and its institutional role, in a sparkling book, full of cultured and funny illustrations and a captivating narrative that mixes historical news, biography, current events and curiosities.

Info. God Save the Queen. Ivan Canu. Centauria. 16 euros.

4 / Books to read. Elizabeth, the last queen

Why read it

Elizabeth II is, was, and will likely remain, the queen of records. She is the ruler who has traveled more than all those who, before her, have worn a crown. She was the first queen to appear on television and also the first to face a series of scandals that have severely tested her patience and the very survival of the monarchy.

And on June 2 he joined another: the Platinum Jubilee, 70 years sitting on the English throne like no one in history. Always faithful to herself and her subjects, she has crossed a century marked by wars and revolutions, profound changes in customs, communication and culture. The book by Luisa Ciuni and Elena Mora reconstructs an already known story. That di an icon destined to be, in fact, the last great queen: Elizabeth II The Great.

Info. Elizabeth. The last queen. Luisa Ciuni and Elena Mora. Cairo. 16 euros.

