Books to read. Summer dedicated to thrillers

T.ra the four must-read books of the week What the tide hides by María Oruña. It is an editorial phenomenon in Spain: it is the yellow of summer. It has already sold over 500,000 copies.

The ten best-selling books of 2021: three authors on the podium

The ten best-selling books of 2021: three authors on the podium

1 / Books to read. What the tide hides

Books to read.  What the tide hides

Why read it

María Oruña, Spanish best-selling author, defined by El Pais “The new queen of crime”, sets his series in Cantabria with Lieutenant Valentina Redondo as the protagonist. What the tide hides has already came half a million copies. And it has already applied to become the “yellow of the summer”.

It is a publishing phenomenon that has transformed the life of the author, who was previously a lawyer and found herself writing to full time and travel to meet readers.

Judith Pombo, a wealthy entrepreneur and president of Santander’s most exclusive tennis club, is found dead in the cabin of the schooner owned by the club, when a gala dinner is about to take place on board. She got stabbed in the heart, but the cabin was locked from the inside, there was no one besides the corpse and there is no trace of the murder weapon.

So the lieutenant of the Guardia Civil Valentina Redondo has to face the most complicated case of her career just as he tries to regain balance and meaning in his private life, marked by a recent drama.

In addition to the very classic detection structure and well thought out, during the investigation the profile of an investigator emerges, Lieutenant Valentina Redondo (the name is a tribute to the writer Dolores Redondo, who inspired Oruña’s vocation as a writer), with a strong personality, but marked by a trauma that reveals, a little at a time, a decisive inner knot, giving it a depth that it reveals itself in parallel with the unfolding of the police investigations.

Thus the environment, social and geographical, of a rich seaside province and an elite full of skeletons in the closetreveals an unprecedented cross-section of a fascinating and not all known area of ​​northern Spain.

Info. Maria Oruña. What the tide hides. Ponte alle Grazie. 18 euros.

2 / Books to read. Time is a river

Books to read.  Time is a river

Why read it

Chicago 2016, in the middle of winter. Aarón, a young Argentine studying in the States, is doing research for his doctoral thesis on Giordano Bruno; he casually becomes aware of a murder that took place in the early nineties: Ioan Culianu, professor of the history of religions, shot dead. The police have never been able to find neither motive nor guilty.

Aarón thus undertakes a personal investigation that between political plots and secret services he will take him to Romania.

Buenos Aires, 2041. Aarón’s brother and two dear friends, who for twenty-five years have not understood his sudden disappearance, have mysteriously received his diary and they read it aloud together during an endless night of excesses in a vaguely dystopian city.

The pages date back to the time when Aarón was working on his thesis in Chicago, and tell of strange death threats. The diary stops suddenly …

Novel, biography, personal diary, correspondence, essay: built like a game of mirrors, of Chinese boxes, this book finds in the migration of souls the red thread that stitches together the stories of the various characters in a captivating narrative, full of encroachments, philosophical incursions,

Info. Pablo Maurette. Time is a river. Salani Le Stanze. 16 euros.

3 / Books to read. Luca D’Andrea. The circle of hyenas

Why read it

1992. Lorena Haller, twenty-four, a profession prostitute was killed. Customers, drug dealers and colleagues called her “the little girl”. To take her life a brutal and determined man that only Luther Krupp, the commissioner too young, too inexperienced and too loyal to the rules, he has the courage to call immediately: serial killer.

But arresting a monster that kills for the sake of killing is like hunting a unicorn.

Starting from the sensational criminal case of the “Monster of Bolzano”, Luca D’Andrea it goes as far as the boundaries of morality: where does the news begin and where does the taste of blood? With relentless rhythm, in his hands the crime is transformed into an epic narrative capable of re-exploding in contemporary conflicts and eternal questions: what does justice become when, following the path of the lesser Evil, it turns into obsession?

Info. Luca D’Andrea. The circle of hyenas. Feltrinelli. 22 euros

4 / Books to read. In our hands

In our hands

Why read it

“When I started working on this book, I wanted to write a thriller. But I realized that we are already in a thriller. And we are the protagonists ». Thus Frank Schätzing, author of In Our Hands – Why the future of the Earth depends on each of us.

Our world is in danger. The climate is changing and the effects of global warming will soon be irreversible. How did we get to this point? Whose fault is it? What can we do to reverse the trend? Frank Schätzing tries to answer all these questions, starting from the scientific analysis of the concept of climate and environmental disasters who announced the change, because the number one rule of any war is “know your enemy”.

Just like if the climate crisis were the monster that threatens the heroes of a suspenseful novel. Except, in this case, we are the heroes.

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Because the future of the Earth does not depend only on the decisions of politicians and large industrial groups, but also from the small gestures that each of us makes every day.

Info. Frank Schätzing. In our hands. North Publishing. 19 euros.

