Books to read. Lenin walked on the moon Wednesday 9 November on the YouTube channel and on the Facebook profile of BookCity Milano The online appointments of BookCity Milano Papers are back, the project born in 2020 to involve, even during the pandemic, those foreign authors who, due to restrictions, could not reach Milan and participate in the event.

The theme is “hybrid life”.

From Jason Mott to Hernán Diaz

The BCM Papers 2022 schedule will start on Wednesday 9 November at 6.30 pm, with the dialogue See the invisible, whose protagonist will be the American writer Jason Mott, winner of the National Book Award 2021 thanks to the novel What a book! (NN Publisher), in dialogue with the journalist Marco Bruna.

The meeting will follow at 7.15 pm An initiation rite, between the writer Jonathan Bazzi and Camila Sosa Villadaone of the most disruptive voices on the Argentine literary scene: former prostitute, street vendor and cleaner, then actress and singer, she is the author of the novel The bad ones (SUR), in which she tells the story of a group of trans women who became her family.

Thursday 10 November at 6.30 pm the program continues with After the internet, the dialogue between Pamela Paul, journalist and writer, columnist for The New York Times, author of 100 things we lost because of the internet (Il Saggiatore), and the writer and journalist Stefania Garassini, protagonists of a reflection on the impact of the Internet in our lives.

At 7.15 pm the Argentine writer Hernán Diaz and the journalist Matteo Persivale vthey will bridge the threshold of literary hybridization, exploring it forms and architectures starting from the novel Trust (Feltrinelli) by Diaz, built on a refined game of mirrors, during the dialogue entitled Crossing the genres.

Everything flows with Lidia Yuknavitch

On Friday 11 November at 6.30 pm the meeting Everything flows, with the writer and television author Matteo B. Bianchi and the American writer Lidia Yuknavitch, author of the novel The chronology of water (Nottetempo), a deconstructed story in which events do not respond to the classic relationship of cause and effect, but live on a series of fragments, repetitions and plots, letting language flow like water on a river bed.

Follows, at 7.15 pm, Toxic relationships, the dialogue between the English writer Sheena Patel and the writer and journalist Oliviero Ponte di Pino: the first-time author of I follow you (Atlantis), an editorial case in England, will give voice to an emotional world made up of addictions, toxic relationships and abuse, often linked to online platforms.

The 4 books to read of the week

The four books to read of the week are good for the heart and mind. For those in the mood for a spiritual journey we recommend The man who wanted to be loved and the cat who fell in love with him And The mentality of the sardine. For those who want to leave the mainstream scheme, instead, start browsing immediately Lenin walked on the moon …

books to read

1 / Books to read. Lenin walked on the moonBooks to read.  Lenin walked on the moonWhy read it

Defeating death and resurrecting the dead, creating living organisms, iestablish a worldwide communications network, unleash the power of the mind, manipulate both cosmic and atmospheric phenomena, colonize space … Some of these projects are already completed, others perhaps will soon be, but all have roots in Russia, in the said movement “Cosmism”, a mixture of scientific research, metaphysics and mysticism. The first cosmist was Nikolaj Fëdorovič Fëdorov, an eccentric philosopher who had correspondence with Dostoevsky and who set out to revive the dead.

Some time after the Bolshevik leaders, “builders of God”, they dreamed of creating a new religion and making human beings immortal. This was precisely the purpose, after all, when Lenin’s body was mummified. Other characters paved the way for the conquest of space already in the 1920s; once death is eliminated, in fact, the Earth would become too small for humanity. This side of Russian and Soviet culture, almost unknown outside its homeland, will seem quite absurd to a Cartesian mentality.

But cosmism still survives today and explains various aspects of today’s Russia, including its political choices. In addition, for some decades now, cosmism has found a second home in Silicon Valley, with heirs such as Sergej Brin and Elon Musk.

A new exciting and original essay-investigation by the author of In the head of Vladimir Putin, editor-in-chief of the French journal Philosophie Magazine and specialist in Russian philosophy.

To read so as not to be imprisoned in fake news and in the current mainstream narrative.

Info. Michel Eltchaninoff. Lenin walked on the moon. Editions E / O. 17 euros.

2 / Books to read. The man who wanted to be loved and the cat who fell in love with him

Books to read.  The man who wanted to be loved and the cat who fell in love with him

Why read it

Christian is a wealthy real estate broker, drives a Porsche and lives in a sumptuous mansion. When he strikes a big deal, which he has long aspired to, she doesn’t feel as good as he had hoped and wonders: Are money, ambition and success really the key to happiness?

Thus, following some mysterious anonymous note that someone sends him, thereman embarks on a physical and spiritual journey to a nature reserve which he comes across almost by chance.

To keep him company is a red cat, named Joshua, who doesn’t seem to want to leave him alone in this adventure. THEImmersed in a peaceful nature full of hidden wonders, Christian meets a former executive who has found solitude in solitude, a mysterious nun, a young man who lives with animals and other characters between the sacred and the profane that will make him reflect on perfection which he has always tried to pursue and which he has never achieved.

This journey, which someone wanted for him, will help him understand the true meaning of life and happiness.

To read because nothing is as it appears. Life is not a long pre-established straight line, but a journey full of encounters and discoveries. They come unexpectedly when the heart opens and connects with the soul.

Info. Thomas Leoncini. The man who wanted to be loved and the cat who fell in love with him. Sperling & Kupfer. € 17.90.

3 / Books to read. The child and the dog

Books to read.  The child and the dog

Why read it

“Yaichi knew that dogs understood people: they were special creatures given by God, or by Buddha, to those crazy creatures that were men”

Six months have passed since the earthquake and tsunami devastated the north of the island of Honshu. In Sendai, close to the Japanese Alps, in front of a convenience store, the young Kazumasa finds a stray and decides to take him with him. The dog, who responds to the name of Tamon, becomes a precious company for the mother with dementia, giving back the memories and the joy of living.

One day Kazumasa is involved in an accident and never returns home. For Tamon then begins a five-year journey: from Kamaishi to Kumamoto, along the coasts still ravaged by the fury of the water, he fights with wild boars in the mountains, crosses rice fields, woods and villages and, smelling loneliness, he chooses where to stop.

Able to read in the depths of souls, becomes a mamori-gami through the lost lives that cross his path, a protector angel who instills comfort and trust: the warmth that he transmits to the hand that caresses him immediately reaches the heart, his gaze is loyal, his disinterested love revives the smile on the lips of those who welcome him. But Tamon knows where he wants to go, and continues his journey south safelyuntil he reaches his goal, finally reuniting with the herd he has been looking for all the time.

To read because with the tones of the fairy tale and a pinch of oriental magic, the book tells a story of courage and tender obstinacy that excites, and tells of bonds that last forever.

Info. Hase Seishu. The child and the dog. Marsilio publisher. 17 euros.

4 / Books to read. The mentality of the sardine

The mentality of the sardine

Why read it

Angela and Severino have been married for thirty-five years, but seeing them now they don’t seem made for each other. Now retired they are bored, especially Angela who, since she stopped working in the bookstore, apart from the yoga class, she no longer sees anyone.

As so many couples their age carry on in the flatness of habit, he brutalized in the living room and she busy in the kitchen, speaking only rarely and generally with negative results. The children are big and far away …

What remains? Memories, some innocent moments of release – dancing naked around the house, getting drunk on limoncello – it’s a project: walking the Via Francigena. Angela will eventually leave, alone, but the journey that he will face will not be made up exclusively of kilometers and places, but above all of people and emotions.

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To read because Olivia Crosio gives us a good novel that opens us to hope and change.

Info. Olivia Crosio. The mentality of the sardine. Arkadia publisher. 17 euros.

