BookCity Milan 2023, programme, events not to be missed

TOcomes big, BookCity Milan, to celebrate his first twelve years of life. And for the occasion it will overcome its usual space-time boundaries. Indeed, it will last one week, from Monday 13th to Sunday 19th November, much more than the long weekend in mid-November where it took place in previous years. And it will also take root outside the city, with initiatives also in Cremona, in collaboration with the Porte Aperte Festival, and in Lodi.

Books, how are Italians' reading habits changing?

After Fashion Week and Design Week, BookCity Milano 2023 is therefore a real Book Week. With 3,100 guest authors, more than 1,500 events and over 500 publishers involved. A large, widespread and inclusive event that involves the entire book supply chain: from writers to cartoonists, large and small publishers but also essayists and illustrators, bloggers and booksellers, translators and librarians. Without forgetting students, teachers, strong and occasional readers.

BookCity Milano 2023 celebrates Dream Time with Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk

On the theme of the year, Dream Timethe inaugural event of BookCity Milano 2023 is dedicated, Wednesday 15 November at 8pm at the Teatro Dal Verme, in the presence of the Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk, Nobel Prize winner for Literature 2006. An author in balance between East and West, and between reality and imagination.

He will speak on the theme of the year Alessandra Kustermannthe first female head physician of the Mangiagalli Clinic and founder of the Sexual and Domestic Violence Relief Service, the first of its kind in Italy.

Not only the moment which, born in the depths of sleep, has the power to transform waking life. The dream is also the word that inhabits every individual hope and collective utopia. In all its very different senses, it has populated the works of literature of all time, up until today. From Penelope to Joan of Arc, from Freud to Pasolini, from Cinderella to Hitchcock, from Luther King to Bergoglio.

From dream to nightmare, from Ulysses to the migrant emergency

But also, in the form of a nightmare, the dream inhabits crime news. Hence the appointment, dedicated to Dino Buzzati the reporter, with Stefano Nazzi, author of the award-winning podcast Indagini and with the writer Giacomo Papi (8 November at 11.30). And the meeting dedicated to the next anniversary of Franco Basaglia’s birth (2024), with his daughter Alberta (18 November at 12.30 pm), also deals with dreams and utopias.

But the Book City Milano meeting calendar is very rich. And it goes from science to politics. Maurizio Harari and José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec will guide the public to discover The dream of Ulysses. Human history of the Mediterranean from the Trojan War to the emergency of the landings. Donatella Massimilla will introduce the close and ironic dialogue between Moni Ovadia and Danielle Sassoon, entitled It is forbidden to trample on dreams.

The final evening of BookCity

The Dream Time will conclude on November 19th, at 8pm, with an evening at the Franco Parenti Theater entitled The dream books. The psychoanalyst Vittorio Lingiardi will accompany the public into the library of dreams. A labyrinth in which to get lost, among the twenty white geese killed by the eagle in the premonitory dream of Penelope and the nightmares of Elio Aristide. Between the verses of Ovid and those of Marina Tsvetaeva, and discovering the difference between Freud’s and Jung’s dreams. Passing through the neuroscientific argument between Hobson and Solms. To then take a look at the dream diaries of Kafka and Schnitzler, giving space to the images of Bergman and Lynch.

Pinocchio, Manzoni, Gadda and Maria Callas: the anniversaries to celebrate

BCM23 will also be an opportunity to celebrate several anniversaries of literature and the world of culture. Starting 140 years from the first volume edition of The Adventures of Pinocchio. Story of a puppet by Carlo Collodi. With the reading aloud of Peppe Servillo’s work (Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 November, at 7pm at the Gerolamo Theatre).

They are celebrated the 150th anniversary of the death of Alessandro Manzoni with a series of meetings organized by the San Fedele Cultural Foundation. And the 50 from that of Carlo Emilio Gadda who will be remembered with the presentation of the book, which Adelphi has just republished, Travels death (1954) and the new magazine Il Gaddus, under the scientific direction of Mariarosa Bricchi, Paola Italia, Giorgio Pinotti and Claudio Vela, in collaboration with the Gadda Study Center (CSG) of the University of Pavia.

They are also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Maria Callas with the presentation of the essay The real Maria Callaswith the author Annarita Briganti and Isabella Fava, and readings by Alessandra De Luca (19 November at 4pm at the Teatro Franco Parenti).

Does war have a woman’s face? and the other Author’s Routes

The Author Paths are back again this year, to delve deeper into specific themes. As Does war have a woman’s face? Women storytellers, fighters, victims of conflicts. It includes three meetings: War (also) has a woman’s voice. Otherness and reversal of perspectives in narrators (dialogue with the writer Helena Janeczek), Women fighters: a (long) story confined to the shadows and Rape as a weapon of war, yesterday and today. Path, edited by Benedetta Tobagiexplores the role of female figures in war contexts and in their narratives (Saturday 18 November, from 2pm).

Remote conversations between ChatGPT and Italo Calvino it is the author’s path dedicated to artificial intelligenceedited by Massimo Sideri, editorialist and correspondent for Corriere della Sera, who will dialogue with experts and scholars (18 November, from 2pm).

Eliana Liotta is the curator of the second edition of the path The words of care, to talk about the values ​​and progress of life sciences starting from four key macro concepts (Vision, Protection, Microbiota, Uniqueness). Meetings with experts on November 19th from 4pm).

BookCity for children and teenagers

There will be a lot of them the meetings aimed at younger people starting from 3 years old, but above all from six (here is the program). From book presentations to workshops and shows. From the meeting Two women, two scientistsa universe, aimed at children aged twelve and over. TO Pimpa traveling to Lombardy! at Wow Space Comic. And then The Buzzing Workshopaimed at children aged six and over, a Emotions are like balloons, for children aged three years and up. And then Discover Milan from the window of a tram (6-10 years) e When I grow up I want to be a writer to Big Nate. School in the age of TikTok: survive performance anxiety with self-irony and self-confidence.

The program and how to participate in BookCity

The program, which is constantly updated, and any indications for accessing appointments, are available on BookCity website. The event is promoted by the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Milan and by the BookCity Milano Association, made up of the Corriere della Sera Foundation, the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Foundation and the Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation, and by Aie – Italian Publishers Association .

