Bonucci: “There is a wound that still burns …”. Insigne: “Soon to say I’m leaving”

The Juventus player who will inherit the captain’s armband from Chiellini: “I’ll be an example, as always”. Former Napoli striker: “Even on the other side of the world I will always be available”. But in the meantime it goes out

From our correspondent Andrea Elefante

May 31

A handover is certain, tomorrow night at Wembley: Italy-Argentina, Chiellini’s last as captain and the first – if Giorgio comes out before 90 ‘- for Bonucci’s new course, which will then be new only for the “official”, since Leo has had that armband so many times, in the absence of his partner: “From the day after tomorrow I will continue to do what I have always done: to be an example and a help for my teammates. In my own way, because each of us must to be himself. From Giorgio I hope I have learned the ability to process difficult situations in a short time and to bring about a solution. I will need the help of my teammates, as we have helped him and Gigi “.

the doubt

The other handover is still in doubt: Lorenzo Insigne will play in Canada next year, but it will not be distance to separate him from the national team, he says: “It’s too early to say I’m leaving. I’ll be on the other side of the world too. always available, even to travel, and I will continue to show attachment to this shirt. Then, whoever lives will see. It is up to Mancini to make his choices and I will accept them. For this shirt I have always given and will always give everything ” a blow and tomorrow he risks staying out, Raspadori is ready). For that jersey, last July, they gave everything and above all – again Insigne – “a great emotion to the Italians: in this stadium we did great things, tomorrow we will play to continue dreaming with them. ‘Italy where it deserves, and where it has always been “. With that shirt Bonucci, against England in the final, scored the goal that led us to extra time and then to the penalties of the triumph: “I am thrilled to even talk about it, it is something that I will not forget for all my life: I have not only thought about it today when I have returned to this stage, I often think about it “. But tomorrow we will have to think above all of Argentina, which has an open streak of 31 games without defeats, “and this is something that has its weight, they are rare things. It will take great competitive malice, to try to win this trophy”.

open wound

Argentina that with Maradona raised the trophy of which this Grand Final took the place: it happened in 1993 in Mar del Plata, after the victory on penalties against Denmark: “Diego I have it tattooed on my skin – Insigne said again – for us Neapolitans it was everything. And as a Neapolitan, I hope to be able to raise this cup like him “. In four years it will probably be too late for Bonucci to try to raise the World Cup that Mancini has indicated as a goal for the future today. And the Juventus player has no problem admitting that “since they will be playing in Qatar in a few months, the scar is still open: we made mistakes that will not let us be there and it is certainly our fault. And I thank Messi for what he said: he’s right, tomorrow’s challenge could really be a world-class challenge. The goal is to give a show and bring this trophy home. Because we have to start over from this trophy. “
