Bonucci sues Juve: the reasons and the compensation

The arguments on which the former Juventus captain relies to assert his reasons in court

Giovanni Albanese

Leonardo Bonucci intends to pursue legal action against Juventus, following the treatment he received in the pre-season while training with the players outside the squad. The former Juventus defender, through his lawyers Antonio Conte and Gabriele Zuccheretti, presented a request for compensation for damages denouncing a series of aspects which – according to his point of view – would not have allowed him to carry out his preparation as best as possible, thus suffering damage of a professional and image nature.


According to what is filtered, the player intends to move forward not out of a personal war against the club (which ousted him from the technical project a year before the expiry of his contract) but out of principle, also for all those players who often find themselves in the same situation and – as reported a few weeks ago by the Italian Footballers’ Association – they do not have the possibility or strength to react. In the arbitration request presented by Bonucci’s lawyers, in which Massimo Chioccia was appointed as arbitrator of his own designation, the large differences with respect to the activities guaranteed to the players of the squad are highlighted: evening training sessions at different times compared to those of the first team, absence of technicians belonging to the first team staff but only from the youth sector, inaccessibility to the club’s gym, swimming pool and restaurant or in any case without adequate assistance.


Bonucci believes he was abandoned by Juventus with a precise strategy aimed at making him tired, so as to push him to move on. However, among his intentions – according to what was filtered by his entourage – there is no intent to speculate on the matter but only to follow up on the actions taken during the pre-season. Through his lawyer’s certified e-mail, the player had asked twice to be reinstated in the group, but the club had remained firm in its position, considering him out of the project. Whatever amount may arise from the legal action, Bonucci clarified that it will be donated to two organizations very close to him: Neuroland, the association that supports the families of children hospitalized in the pediatric neurosurgery department of the Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital in Turin, and the Live Onlus, which, through the proceeds from auctions of materials belonging to high-profile athletes, purchases and donates defibrillators to be allocated to companies, schools and municipalities.
