Bono Vox: “I have another brother I didn’t know I had”

“Hor another brother I didn’t know I had. ‘ The confession you don’t expect. He did it Bono Vox to Desert Island Discsprogram of the BBC Radio 4. The U2 frontman he told of having a stepbrother and that he learned of its existence only in 2000. “I’m at peace with him,” she told host Lauren Laverne, to whom she told a piece of her life that she hadn’t talked about so far.

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Bono Vox and the secret stepbrother

Bono Vox


The singer, 62 years old, in addition to his brother Norman, therefore, also has a half-brother. According to what was told to the BBC, her mother Iris, who died in 1974, was unaware that her husband had had a child with another woman. “I could tell that my father had a deep friendship with this beautiful woman, who is now part of her family. Then they had a son. And all this has been kept secret ».

The discovery before the death of the father

When the singer found out about it, he talked about it with his father Bob before his death in 2001. “I asked him if he loved my mother and he said yes. So I asked him how all this could have happened. And he said, “It happens.” He wasn’t apologizing, he was just saying these are the facts. And I am at peace with all this ». A touching story by the artist who has laid himself bare revealing a very personal part of his life.

The difficult relationship with his father and the death of his mother

Bono has had a complicated relationship with his father. Now, years later, she has realized that her father was not going through a simple period. “His head was elsewhere because his heart was elsewhere,” he explained. Furthermore, the premature death of his mother, who passed away from a brain aneurysm when he was 14, certainly affected their relationship.

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I immediately found another family, I formed the U2, I found Ali (Hewson, his wife, ed), it happened quite quickly. ” So Bono Vox told the man behind the artist. Which he will also talk about in an autobiography that he plans to publish by the end of the year.

