Bonazzoli returns to Salernitana: “It has always been my first choice. To the fans I tell … “

The striker born in 1997 has signed a four-year contract

After having lived a year as a protagonist with the grenade shirt, Federico Bonazzoli back to Salerno. Yesterday, the official: the 1997-born striker signed a contract that will bind him to the Campania club until June 30, 2026, with the Salerno who bought the player’s card outright from Sampdoria.

“First of all I want to thank everyone, from the president to the fans, for the welcome. I have always wanted strongly to return to Salernitana. It has always been my first choice and I want this to be clear. I am happy, proud and happy to start my second season with this shirt. As I have always said since I arrived in Salerno, I found people I had never met in my life. I felt at home, loved and well liked. The least I could do for them was to return . I can’t wait to see them again, hug them and rejoice again with them “, were his first words to the club’s official channels.

“The Salernitana has always been in my head. I have always followed everything from day one. I think a good group is being born, a good team. Now we try to work and continue pedaling to be ready as soon as possible. Definitely this year. is different. There will be a break in November, but we have to think game by game, as we did last year. We know what we can give, what we have to give. as soon as possible to save us. Then we will see where we can get “, Bonazzoli concluded.

Words to honey, those expenses – instead – by President Danilo Iervolino. A phone call to the player was decisive for the success of the deal, when the rift between the management of the Salerno and the entourage of Bonazzoli. “You can’t imagine how satisfied I am with Bonazzoli’s return – the statements issued by the patron, reported by ‘TuttoSalernitana’ -. We are talking about the symbol of Salernitana, the man who determined salvation by guaranteeing an extraordinarily important average goal. He has always been at the center of my thoughts, this multi-year agreement allows us to bring home what will be the future striker of the national team. He has an immense talent and this is the right place to explode for good. And who knows, maybe one day he could be our captain too. “
