Bombings of civilians point to Russia’s war crimes

They have barely elapsed ten days the start of the offensive the Russian army in Ukraine and is already accumulating to the credit of occupying troops a long string of denunciations and accusations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the military operations. While from the US, the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken He has assured that he has information in his possession.very believable” which would show that the Kremlin forces are carrying out deliberate attacks against the civilian population, from the besieged port city of Mariupolthe local mayor, Vadim Boychenkohe denounced in a dramatic video message that the bombings not only continue to postpone sine die the evacuation of 200,000 civiliansbut also prevent people from going outside pick up corpses or count dead.

In the town of Irpinnear Kiev, there was no worthwhile humanitarian corridor and the evacuation of civilians occurred between explosions and constant shots carried out from Russian lines, as has been graphically documented by various media outlets. In some of the most dramatic and shocking images of the day, it was possible to distinguish the lifeless bodies of two people belonging to the same family, lying on the pavement and covered by blankets along with the luggage they were carrying. The US intends to share all the information in your possession with organizations that investigate crimes during armed conflict.

In fact, three days ago, Karim Khanprosecutor of International Criminal Courtl (TPI) already launched a global appealthe the potential witnesses to the conflict to collect images and evidence of “war crimes” committed during the Ukrainian conflict, a term banned in the official jargon of the Kremlin, which speaks only of a “special operation & rdquor ;.

hospital bombings

According to the High UN Commissioner for Human Rights, the majority of civilian casualties were caused by the “use of explosive weapons with a wide radius of impactincluding heavy artillery bombardment, multiple missile launch systems and air strikes”. Besides, the World Health Organization has denounced the bombing of several hospital facilities resulting in deaths and injuries, although it has not offered details of the incidents.

Information is also coming to light of possible war crimes committed in during the occupation in the areas of Ukraine that are already under Russian military control. One day after hundreds of people in the city of Khersonalready occupied, took to the streets with Ukrainian flags to protest against the presence of Russian troops, not far from there, in Nova Kakhovka, a few tens of kilometers to the north, a similar demonstration was answered with live fire by the occupants , as eyewitnesses have told the Ukrainian agency, injuring five people.

These acts of protest allow us to glimpse that Moscow is not going to have nothing easy in the future control these newly acquired territories, in contrast to what happened in 2014, when the self-styled people’s republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and in front of them were placed leaders loyal to the Kremlin.

Military sieges of cities

The military sieges in which the population is deprived of the most basic living conditions could also be considered war crimes. And that could happen soon Mariupol if the agreement between a Russian and a Ukrainian delegation for the establishment of humanitarian corridors that allow the evacuation of nearly 200,000 people towards Zaporizhia, about three hours by car.

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“Mariúpol no longer exists”, the mayor has claimed, Vadim Boitchendko. There is no water, no food, no heating or electricity. “They are not even going to give us the opportunity to count the wounded and the dead because the bombings do not stop & rdquor ;, he has continued. If this situation continues, the Russian troops would be following a similar behavior pattern that of troops loyal to the regime of Bashar al-Assadits main allies in the Middle East, during the civil war in the Arab country, a conflict in which military siege took place that lasted for months and that, in some cases, barely allowed the sending of humanitarian aid.

All this information and denunciations do not seem to make a dent in the Russian president Vladimir Putin, who remains determined to continue the military offensive until he achieves his objectives. The leader has maintained during the day a new phone conversation with the French president Emmanuel Macronin which he outlined four demands to silence the weapons: “the denazification of Ukraine & rdquor ;, that is, the replacement of the current government headed by Volodymyr Zelenskywhich for greater irony is of jewish confession; “the demilitarization” of the country, that is, give up having an army already join NATOand the awards of the annexation of crimea and of the donbas independencedemands all of them unaffordable both for the Kyiv Executive as for the allies. And it promises to achieve these goals by military way if diplomacy does not give results.
