Bombings and advance of the Russian Army

  • The Russian Army intervenes in nine Ukrainian regions and only one of these cities is in Donbas

Russia started this Thursday attack on Ukraine and Russian troops have begun to enter various Ukrainian areas. The ERussian army has intervened in nine regions from the neighboring country, most of whom are military infrastructures, airports and airfields.

Specifically, it has attacked the regions of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnitsky, Chernigov, Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson and Kramatorsk. In addition, according to the Ukrainian Army, Russian troops have also intervened in the line of separation of forces in Donbas.

Of these areas, which have become Russian targets, the only one in the donbas region is the city of Kramatorsk, which is considered the Ukrainian military base in the Donetsk region. The pro-Russian cities of Donetsk and Lugansk self-proclaimed people’s republics in 2014 and this Monday the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin formally recognized them.

For its part, Odessa is the most important base of the Ukrainian Black Sea Fleet; while Kherson is the border region with crimeapeninsula unilaterally annexed by Russia in the year 2014.

Deathly victims

Putin announced early this Thursday morning the start of a “special military operation” in Ukraine to protect people from “abuse and genocide” by the Ukrainian government for eight years.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has ensured that the Army is not attacking ukrainian cities in the framework of this military operation. “There is no threat to the peaceful population”, has maintained in a statement. The Russian military indicated that high-precision weapons are used against military infrastructure, anti-aircraft batteries and Ukrainian air bases.

“According to intelligence data, the units and soldiers of the Ukrainian armed forces are massively abandoning their positions,” said Russian Defense, which stressed that the places where the Ukrainian forces have laid down their arms are not subjected to attacks.

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However, the first fatalities after the Russian military attack. The Ukrainian presidency has reported that more than 40 Ukrainian soldiers and a dozen civilians have already died. For its part, the Armed Forces of Ukraine added that it also 50 “enemies have fallen” in a town in Lugansk, a fact that Moscow has denied.

This attack has caused Ukraine has decided to break diplomatic relations with Russia. In addition, the ukrainian president, Volodymyr ZelenskyHe has ordered his troops to inflict maximum number of kills to the Russian soldiers who invade their country and has assured that they will provide weapons to all those who are willing to wield them. At the same time, he has urged the Russian citizens to take to the streets and protest against the war.
