bomb find! Ammunition load makes extinguishing work difficult

From BZ/dpa

When fighting forest fires in the Elbe-Elster district, the firefighters are increasingly having to deal with areas contaminated with ammunition.

The extinguishing work on Wednesday was made more difficult by a bomb found on Saxon territory not far from the state border. According to the district, a restricted area of ​​1000 meters was drawn, which extends to Elbe-Elster. No firefighting can currently take place on the respective state pages.

Those responsible are in exchange to organize the bomb clearance as quickly as possible. The closure of the federal highway 183 Bad Liebenwerda-Torgau between the Beilrode exit and the local area of ​​Marxdorf must therefore remain in place. On the other hand, the Kiebitzsee, which is used for extinguishing water and is therefore closed, is now available again for bathing.

A water cannon from the Brandenburg police extinguishes a forest fire

A water cannon from the Brandenburg police was also used to extinguish the fire on Wednesday Photo: dpa

There is still no all-clear for the devastating forest fire in southern Brandenburg, but according to the district fire chief, the situation is now under control. That would have been the result of the evaluation of the aerial photos with the thermal camera. Evacuations from local locations are no longer an issue.

“Now it’s about pushing the extinguishing work on the ground,” said District Administrator Christian Heinrich-Jaschinski. When the temperatures rise, you can expect individual open fires with changing winds. The Bundeswehr fire-fighting helicopters are being withdrawn, and the operation from the air has been successful, according to the district.

Brigadier General Jürgen Karl Uchtmann (M), commander of the Berlin State Command, thanks the soldiers deployed to extinguish the forest fire

Brigadier General Jürgen Karl Uchtmann (M), commander of the Berlin State Command, thanks the soldiers deployed to extinguish the forest fire Photo: dpa

Around 360 emergency services were still busy with the major fire in the afternoon. The fire is still raging on 500 hectares. In the evening hours, a German army armored personnel carrier “Dachs” is supposed to help set up barricades.

A new tank from the Bundeswehr, which should cut aisles for the fire brigades, was expected in the late afternoon. A first tank was no longer operational and had to be replaced. The replacement tank is to lay aisles around a threatened commercial area until late at night. According to the district fire chief, the extinguishing work will take at least a week.

Brandenburg, Falkenberg: A banner with the inscription

Residents of Falkenberg thank the helpers and emergency services with a poster Photo: dpa
