Bologna-Inter, the appeal: the outcome is expected in the evening

The lawyers of the two clubs explained the positions of the clubs via videoconference: Milan and Napoli follow the developments with an eye to the standings

It is the day of the decision on Bologna-Inter, the match postponed to January 6 and for which the Nerazzurri are asking for a victory at the table which today is worth a serious slice of the Scudetto. In the hearing before the Sports Guarantee Board at Coni, chaired for the first time by Gabriella Palmieri Sandulli who took the place of Franco Frattini, the Nerazzurri defense revolves all around the cause of force majeure, not formally invoked by Bologna but in fact acquired by the Sports Judge who in the first instance established that the match should be played, as did the Sports Court of Appeal in the second instance, so much so that there is already a date (April 27).


Inter’s lawyer Adriano Raffaelli, connected by videoconference, explains to the College: “You are judges of legitimacy: the question of law that distinguishes this case from all other similar ones is the fact that Bologna did not appear on the field on January 6 and has never even invoked the exemption from force majeure. We are in the curious case of a cause of justification without the beneficiary ever having justified himself. Article 55 of the Noif is clear, it is up to those who do not show up to prove the the existence of force majeure causes. The second instance seems to forget about it, moving in contradiction with article 55: its decision must be reformed, or there has been a violation of a rule, or it has been decided to overlook this, but in this case the motivation is omitted “. Then he focuses on another question: “The disqualification provision of the ASL of Bologna does not resolve the issue of participation in the competition with an adequate number of athletes. Bologna itself mentions in its memory the federal rule for which you play if you have 7 members who are able to take the field. Regarding this, the club has never given us any explanations. One would think that Bologna is hiding something on the issue, that is, that they could have participated in numbers. ”


The Bologna lawyer Mattia Grassani, also remotely, replies point by point: “The issue of the possibility of having had 7 elements or not is not the responsibility of a judge of legitimacy and was in any case discussed and exhausted in the first two levels of judgment. . On the cause of force majeure, on January 5 we communicated to everyone, including the sports judge, that we had received a provision from the ASL that prevented the squad of the first team from taking part in the next two matches. The sports justice bodies therefore knew of the existence of a force majeure cause. We had documented its existence as required by article 55, an article that does not condition the action to a procedural activation, but considers the institution to be invoked by the sports judge himself if the elements exist “. Then, after taking Juventus-Napoli in 2020 as an example, he adds: “Articles 64, 65, 66 of the Code of Sports Justice attribute to the sports Judge a power to determine the results that can take place on the basis of an appeal, but also of office, as in this case “.


The sentence is expected in the evening, together with the decisions on other appeals discussed today, those for Atalanta-Turin and Udinese-Atalanta ended 2-6. The tension is high for Inter but also for Milan and Napoli who, together with the Nerazzurri, are playing for the Scudetto in this increasingly exciting championship final.
