Bologna-Empoli, Andreazzoli: “Skorupski did well today, but they legitimized the victory”

The statements of Aurelio Andreazzoli, Empoli coach at the end of Dall’Ara’s match against Thiago Motta’s Bologna.

Word to Aurelio Andreazzoli. The coach ofEmpoli – to DAZN – he spoke about his team’s performance at the ‘Renato Dall’Ara’ against Bologna driven by Thiago Motta. Below are the words of Massa’s coach:

“Skorupski was good today, then we also hit a post. We’re certainly missing goals: it’s a flaw not to be productive. The only way for us is to work on these situations and try to improve. In the first half we had a lot of dominance against Bologna: it wasn’t easy and the boys were good. In the end, Bologna demonstrated what a good team they are, legitimizing the victory. We have also fallen physically.”

“I’m happy for Orsolini, he’s an interesting guy: sorry, though, because today I lost. Today we changed six players, giving everyone the opportunity to express themselves. Unfortunately, we have had some injuries that we would rather not have had. For this reason we now found ourselves in the position of exaggerating some situations that I would have liked to manage differently. I believe that for a team of our strength it is important to get in shape on the physical aspect. I have clear ideas about the Empoli I want: it’s the players who tell you how they prefer to be employed and we have to make ourselves available.”

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