Bol with fastest time to semi-finals 400 meters hurdles at World Cup | NOW

Femke Bol has playfully qualified for the semi-finals of the 400 meter hurdles at the World Cup in Eugene in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. De Amersfoortse saved her strength and was nevertheless the fastest of the series.

Bol clocked 53.90 in her heat, while she slowed down in the last 100 meters. She wanted to exert as little effort as possible with a view to the semi-finals on Wednesday and the final battle on Friday.

Sydney McLaughlin set the second time (53.95) and Dalilah Muhammad (54.45). McLaughlin and Muhammad are also Bol’s big competitors in the battle for the world title.

The 32-year-old Muhammad is reigning world champion, but in recent years the American has usually been beaten by her compatriot McLaughlin ten years younger. At the Games in Tokyo last year, McLaughlin became champion, Muhammad was silver and Bol took bronze.

McLaughlin also ran a world record in that race and she has already improved that time. A month ago she clocked 51.41 on the World Cup track in Eugene and that is now the record.
