Boerse Stuttgart News: Euwax Trends

STUTTGART (BOERSE STUTTGART GMBH) – Deutsche Post – Investors are banking on a comeback

trends in trade

1. Knock-out call on Deutsche Post (WKN LS7G8E)

After the European stock markets were able to free themselves from their price lows on Monday, negative signs dominate again on Tuesday. Even Deutsche Post cannot escape this. Derivative investors are banking on a comeback at the German logistics giant and taking the stock into their portfolio with a knockout call. Since the beginning of the year, the share has lost around 45% of its value. On Monday, Deutsche Post presented preliminary figures that were surprisingly good. The group will raise its full-year earnings guidance with final third-quarter results in early November after the Post posted better-than-expected earnings in the quarter.

2. Call warrant on Telekom (WKN MA96E6)

The call warrant on Deutsche Telekom continues to be actively traded. Buyers also dominate the second former state-owned company in the DAX in Stuttgart on Tuesday. In the past few days, the share has been largely unchanged at around EUR 17.50.

3. Call Warrant on Royal Dutch Shell (WKN MD4QXA)

A call warrant on Royal Dutch Shell is on the sell list of derivatives investors in Stuttgart today. The note has been traded briskly for some time, but was primarily sold on Tuesday. Shell’s stock is among the year’s big winners, up 35%. The stock rose last week after OPEC reduced production surprisingly sharply. Investors in Stuttgart are now taking profits.

Euwax Sentiment Index

The EUWAX Sentiment started clearly in positive territory. Investors positioned themselves for rising prices. However, the DAX was unable to maintain Tuesday’s strength and fell to 12,100 points. At midday, the sentiment on the EUWAX is in the neutral range. Derivatives investors therefore have no clear positioning.

Stuttgart Stock Exchange on Youtube:

It’s halftime in the popular online stock market game TRADER. With what strategies are the more than 23,000 participants trying to secure the main prize – the Jaguar F-PACE? Who is ahead and what is in his depot? Game manager Anouch Wilhelms from Société Générale reveals how the first four weeks went and gives tips for the current, exciting market phase.

Watch the video at the following link:


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