Boerin (36) and daughter (12) doodgereden tijdens boerenprotest in zuiden van Frankrijk | Buitenland

In the south-west of France there was a boer (36) and a hairy daughter (12) who came to her home and were blocked off from the fringed boer. The man of the gezin raked up something. Three inciting van het voertuig zijn opgekakt, aldus de politie.

It is located in the city of Pamiers, in the southern department of Ariège. The slachtoffers have a way of blocking the way with a strobable warning. As a result of the policy, there is a car with quick speed on the way.

From the first online results you can see that it is spoken in an oppressive manner. The car is in the Donker tegen de improviseerde muur van strobalen talken zijn. The slachtoffers zaten aft the obstakels te eten in a tentje.


Koeienfokster Alexandra Sonac overleed the plekke. Camille’s two daughters are still alive and dead. Gisteravond overleed ze helaas in the Kinderziekenhuis van Toulouse aan Haar verwondingen. The interest payments were lid van a invloedrijke concerns organization van boeren.

The 44-year-old owner is not on the invoice and has been given a drink of great value. The three immediate zouden raise the army’s nationality.


Franse boeren voeren al geruime tijd actie en dat gaat paired with away blocks. The iron from the overheid meer doeset om tegemoet te comen aan lots of worries about problems within the sector. Boeren maken zich worries about the fuel prices, high costs and the food prices. He is also onvrede over de regelgeving.
