Boerenprotest Frankrijk: premier Attal belooft “om quick te handelen” | Buitenland

The Franse premier Gabriel Attal heeft the boeren zondag beloofd “om quick te handelen” om the boosheid of the sector away te nemen. The Prime Minister had already had his own rules in the meantime, the volstonden volgens de syndicats niet en dus gaat het protest bij onze Zuiderburen gewoon voort.

KIJK. What zijn de Franse boeren still van plan?

Zondag spoke the premier of a farm in the west of Frankrijk, which was very popular with a large land building. The lawsuits over the damage of long inkomen, de complexe administration, de overvloed aan norms of the Buitenlandse concurrentie.

“I want to do this in order to have the right to use the rules we need to have the same concurrent time,” Aldus Attal. “It’s not normal for the products to be produced, but they don’t like to be used, the country, Italy or others, he can be heard on his own terms.”

The premier recognizes that the first reeks rules never respond to the malaise in the fringes of the land. “I’ve got a lot of speed and resoluteness before I go,” said Hij.

Belegering van Paris

Twee large boerenorganizations threegen met a belegering van Paris vanaf maandag. Volgens de voorzitter van de Youngs Agriculteurs (JA) is the bedoeling om the strategic autostrades rond Paris on zeven plaatsen te blocks with tractors. Landbouwers uit het den Dreigden with a blockade of the Rungis commercial market. The ordediensten will be available at any time.

According to reports, 15,000 agents have been identified and the problems around the blockades have been avoided by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Gérald Darmanin. Hij herhaalde wel dat ze zich terughoudend moeten opstellen. The tractors are really not in use in the large area, on the market of the Rungis of Luchthavens, which is still available.

KIJK. Is he also coming to a boer protest in France?

KIJK. Ook Waalse landbouwers block rotons

Lees ook:

Boze Vlaamse boeren zullen ook in Vlaanderen hele week protesteren: important traffic has been blocked (+)
