Boeing will deliver the first Dreamliner at sea this year | economy

The American flagship Boeing has the first toes of its type 787 Dreamliner planned for May 2021. They were canceled in delivery because of a defect.

American Airlines named the first Dreamliner in Ruim een ​​jaar Wednesday in advance. De luchtvaartmaatschappij – the al 47 toestellen van het type in service heeft en still guard op 42 bijkomende – zal het vliegentuig “in de komende weken” effectief in use nemen. That year, American Airlines is waiting in total negen Leringen.

Two years ago, Boeing reported that it was having problems with the delivery of the 787 Dreamliner, due to a variety of defects. In the middle of the previous year when the Amerikaanse Luchtvaartautoriteit FAA uiteindelijk tussenbeide: the legde de leveringen completely style after he problems met the toestel bleven opduiken.

Maandag zette de FAA het light weer op groen voor delivery van de Dreamliner nadat Boeing “de nodige aanpassingen” aan de Dreamliner had doorgevoerd. In the statement that there is a final inspection of the work done, there is no way that Boeing will do it, but the controllers of the FAA will be there.

Boeing is planning on assembling the Dreamliner in a factory in South Carolina designed to look at the signs. The constructeur sent over 120 finished Dreamliners to the watch for delivery.

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